Saturday, May 18, 2024

66 - Lxader- Mood - Tuesday, 4 March 2003

No. 66 
Lxader- Mood 
Tuesday, 4 March 2003 

Dear Amare-Amuri, 

Question- How do you improve your mood when you are feeling bad? 

 To elevate my mood when I'm feeling down, I rely on three powerful methods: 

Prayer: Seeking solace in prayer to Adonai (God) is a cornerstone of my emotional healing. Through heartfelt prayers, I address my challenges one by one, unraveling them like strands, piece by piece, and stroke by paint stroke. My supplications extend beyond my personal struggles, encompassing the well-being of my entire family clan. During my day at school, I turn to the Bible, selecting verses that motivate and inspire me. Prayer becomes my refuge when facing heartache and downcast moments. I believe that, like a beautiful butterfly, I can only soar in the trees of life if my heart is free from emotions like anger, hurt, shame, and regret—tools of the adversary. These emotions serve as tests to overcome, and I find strength in smiling, praying, and obeying, prioritizing God and then my parents. Aligning my interests with God's will is my constant endeavor, trusting in His unique Master Plan for my life. I am confident that God is crafting a beautiful painting of my existence—one that others will appreciate without criticism or scorn. 

"That is the power of prayer—the belief that in God's eyes, you are worth more than anyone in the human realm perceives. It's finding contentment in the process of transformation, from a cocoon to a butterfly, from a pot of ink to a marvelous painting. With God, you are invaluable; with man, you are deemed worthless. People may change, but God remains constant." 

Singing: Every day, irrespective of language, I indulge in singing. Whether in the native languages of my father or my older full sister, singing brings me immense happiness, uplifts my spirits, and allows me to spread joy, love, and smiles to those around me. It serves as a powerful tool to uplift the spirits of others when they are going through challenging times. 

"Sing your heart out, for in your song, you defeat the adversary against you!" 

Poetry: This year, I ventured into the realm of poetry, capturing the essence of winter in verse. I aspire to make this a daily practice, recognizing the potential to bless others with my poetic talent. 

"Keep writing poetry and reading books, for one day, your talent will be a blessing to others." 

All my love, 

Friday, May 17, 2024

65 - Kṛeh- Dislike - Tuesday, 4 March 2003

No. 65 
Kṛeh- Dislike 
Tuesday, 4 March 2003 


Dear Amare-Amuri, 

Question- What is something that most people like, but you dislike? 

Engaging with television is not my preferred pastime; in fact, I harbor a strong aversion to it. I selectively choose shows that align with my interests and values. Given the choice, I would opt for reading a book over watching television. For me to invest my time in a TV show, it must be either educational or uplifting. Otherwise, it doesn't capture my attention. Documentaries, in particular, hold a special appeal for me and often become my go-to choice. 

All my love, 

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

62 - Asusam- Quiet - Tuesday, 4 March 2003

No. 62 
Asusam- Quiet 
Tuesday, 4 March 2003 


Dear Amare-Amuri, 

Question- Are you introverted or extroverted? 

I identify as an introverted individual who values listening over talking. I find comfort in being in the background rather than seeking attention in the center. I often appreciate the subtle power of remaining unnoticed and sometimes prefer invisibility over having my voice or opinion heard. 

All my love, 

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

61 - Aɣezfan- Long - Tuesday, 4 March 2003

No. 61 
Aɣezfan- Long 
Tuesday, 4 March 2003 


Dear Amare-Amuri, 

Question- Would you rather live a short life with a lot of money or a long life with very little money? 

I would rather live a very long life with a lot of money stored in the name of someone else. But live a very broke but happy lifestyle! I know I cannot have a lot financially in my name in the future due to certain issues. So, I will try and work out a game plan to ensure I am all set future wise when the time comes, and the family member is agreeable whosoever they may be.  

All my love, 

60 - Tanezzayt- Morning - Tuesday, 4 March 2003

No. 60 
Tanezzayt- Morning 
Tuesday, 4 March 2003 

Dear Amare-Amuri, 

Question- Are you a morning person or a night person? 

I am a morning person. I love waking up early in the morning to get my tasks done before the rest of my family is up and runnning around.  

All my love, 

Sunday, May 12, 2024

59 - Eḍṣ- Laugh - Tuesday, 4 March 2003

No. 59 
Eḍṣ- Laugh 
Tuesday, 4 March 2003 


Dear Amare-Amuri, 

Question- What/who makes you laugh? 

My older full sister makes me laugh a lot. And smile too!  

All my love, 

66 - Lxader- Mood - Tuesday, 4 March 2003

No. 66   Lxader- Mood   Tuesday, 4 March 2003     Dear Amare-Amuri,   Question- How do you improve your mood when you are feeling bad?     T...