Saturday, September 28, 2024

45 - Kuinuliwa- Exalted - Friday, 28 February 2003

No. 45 
Kuinuliwa- Exalted 
Friday, 28 February 2003 

Dear Amare-Amuri,  

Know that God loves you so much as much as I do 
Understsnd that patience counts for a lot and most don’t have it 
Invest in your listening skills anywhere you go 
Never assume anything 
Under a smile is a heart worth understanding  
Look deep inside the heart of someone through walking with them 
Invest time in building a healthy relationship with yourself 
When it comes to the end of your journey have no regrets at all 
Always say please, thank you and it was my honor to serve you.  

All my love, 

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60 - Katika- At - Friday, 28 February 2003

No. 60   Katika- At   Friday, 28 February 2003   Dear Amare-Amuri,    At no point in time   Did I ever not love   To sing praises to God   A...