Tuesday, September 10, 2024

27 - Puon- Fast - Friday, 28 February 2003

No. 27 
Puon- Fast 
Friday, 28 February 2003 

Dear Amare-Amuri, 

5. "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." 

   - Explanation: This proverb highlights the difference between short-term and long-term goals. It suggests that while individual efforts may yield quick results, collaborative efforts lead to greater and more sustainable success. Teamwork and collaboration are essential for achieving long-term goals and overcoming significant challenges. This emphasizes the value of partnerships and collective effort. Collaboration often leads to better outcomes through shared knowledge and support. 

I am learning to play the piano and it is truly a collaborative effort between my teacher and I to learn the different piano pieces. It brings me joy and happiness to play the piano! In the future I hope to record musick that is religious based.  

   - Action Step: Identify a project or goal where collaboration could enhance your results.  

A project or goal where collaboration could enhance my results would be writing poetry about other writings.  

Reach out to others who can contribute or support your efforts. 

I could reach out to my aunt to read my writing and see how she likes it. If she loves, it then I can post it. If she does not then I would revise it.  

All my love, 

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60 - Katika- At - Friday, 28 February 2003

No. 60   Katika- At   Friday, 28 February 2003   Dear Amare-Amuri,    At no point in time   Did I ever not love   To sing praises to God   A...