Wednesday, September 11, 2024

28 - Mugumo- Baobab - Friday, 28 February 2003

No. 28 
Mugumo- Baobab 
Friday, 28 February 2003 

Dear Amare-Amuri, 

6. "Wisdom is like a baobab tree; no one individual can embrace it." 

   - Explanation: This proverb compares wisdom to a large baobab tree, indicating its vastness and the idea that no single person can possess all knowledge.  

I do not know everything. No one person does. I seek to learn through listening deeply. Through understanding intuitively. Through grasping concepts quietly and quickly by observing the room around me without saying anything. That is how I gain wisdom and knowledge. I notice people talk because they are:  

1.  Frustrated- People are frustrated and talk a lot especially about themselves because they do not know what to do or how to handle the silence in the conversation that has naturally taken place. Instead of enjoying and reveling in the silence and thinking deeply in silence they open their mouths and say whatever comes out damaging their emotional closeness with the other individual who may see them as overbearing, talkative, and frustrated who cannot handle pressure or conversations in a wise and constructive way without feeling a need to talk. Or that they do not understand other cultures wherein silence in a conversation is both natural and necessary. As well as expected. And appreciated. And the other individual realizes quickly in dealing with the frustrated individual that the individual who is frustrated says what4ever is on their mind without thinking and might lose relationships or key assets in future dealings because they do not know how to control their tongue.  

2.  Uncomfortable- People are uncomfortable and talk a lot because they do not know what to say. Or what not to say  

3.  Nervous: People are nervous, and they either shut down and become unresponsive to all communication methods or talk a lot due to anxiety. Nothing wrong either. It must be controlled with a list of pointers on what to say and then leave. And medication as well.  

4.  Jittery- People are jittery and talk excessively to win favors or points with another person. They just win nothing but disinterest and push the other person away.

Wisdom is accumulated through collective experience and shared learning.  

Shared learning to me is reading the Bible and learning with my father what is means to lead a good Messianic Jewish life.  

It encourages humility and the recognition that learning is a continuous process.  

Learning indeed is a continuous process. It involves starting the process of opening your mind to new ideas and experiences and opening your heart to wisdom and knowledge without any bias or inner conflict.  

Embracing wisdom requires openness to different perspectives and contributions from others.  

Embracing wisdom requires an openness to listening to other people and their different perspectives and not jumping in with your own. But to be still and let them be heard. Without your lips moving. But your ears peeled and opened for insight, wisdom, understanding, and guidance from them.  

This highlights the importance of communal learning and collaboration. 

You both are learning from each other. They are learning how to communicate from your side. You are learning how to communicate from their side. Respect each other's communication styles and do not judge each other because of it. Seek to understand. Ask questions. Be a keen learner. Have a growth mindset. Be open-minded about it. Do not close yourself off from learning about others and their cultures. The more you know, the more informed you will be when making decisions when dealing with people from around the world. Especially in life. And especially in school.  

Never judge.  

Always appreciate.  

   - Action Step: Seek out diverse viewpoints and experiences to enhance your understanding of a subject. Engage in discussions with others to broaden your perspective. 

Engage in discussions that are respectful, open, and kindhearted and honest.  

All my love, 

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60 - Katika- At - Friday, 28 February 2003

No. 60   Katika- At   Friday, 28 February 2003   Dear Amare-Amuri,    At no point in time   Did I ever not love   To sing praises to God   A...