Thursday, September 12, 2024

29 - Nyoro- Sharing - Frdiay, 28 February 2003

 No. 29 
Nyoro- Sharing 
Frdiay, 28 February 2003 

Dear Amare-Amuri, 

7. "A wise person never tries to explain his or her philosophy to fools." 

   - Explanation: This proverb advises that sharing deep or complex ideas with those who do not understand or appreciate them is often a waste of time.  

Do not share complex ideas with those who do not understand or appreciate them because they will consider it a waste of time. Like this project you are writing. Those who understand will understand, Those who won’t won’t. Just be at peace and write from the heart.  

Wisdom involves recognizing when it is not worth the effort to explain oneself to individuals who are not receptive or capable of understanding.  

It also involves not explaining your story to people who sit there, and smile and you yet are digging your grave for you behind your back. Be careful who you trust. Not everyone can be trusted. Trust yourself first and foremost. Mete out trust in small percentages after that.  

It also suggests focusing your energy on those who value and seek knowledge.  

You can seek knowledge from those who value knowledge and apply it to your own life. But only if it fits your circumstances or situation.  

It serves as a guide for effective communication and intellectual engagement.  

Knowing when to keep silent is a skill many have yet to master. Effective communication is shutting your mouth. Not opening it and speaking.  

Knowing when to withhold explanations can be a sign of wisdom. 

Knowing when to withhold explanations can be a sign of wisdom and insight because you do not know who the next person is that individual is going to tell. Keep the mouth of the well shut. Keep your business private. Do not share information that you would not want your family to know first. If you do not tell your family first then do not tell another person. This may be difficult. But it is worth it.  

Take me for example. A lot of times I trusted others outside of my family for guidance and support and it turned out that they turned away from me and scorned me to the rest of the world. So I only had family to rely on. No one wanted to be my friend, No one wanted to talk to me. No one wanted to be with me. I was alone. But I had my parents. So that was okay. But I realized if I was going to make it into this world and be successful, I had to trust God and not fret or worry over anything no matter what humanity did or said against me. God was for me. So, who could be against me? With that knowledge and assurance and faith I stepped out in faith and my faith has kept me going through the difficult moments of battling certain issues that I am dealing with currently. And He will continue to make a way throughout my life when it seems that there is no way.  

   - Action Step: Evaluate recent conversations where you tried to explain something complex.  

I tried to explain to Sanzira that I was not stupid because of what we were discussing at that point in time and she realized that she had misjudged me. I forgot what we had been discussing. But the conversation reframed her perception of me.  

Consider whether your efforts were appreciated and whether your energy might be better spent elsewhere. 

My efforts with Sanzira were appreciated and even though she left the home seven years later I still appreciated her ability to cut to the issue without trying to insult me. With other people? That is a Sanzira issue. Not a me issue.  

All my love, 

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60 - Katika- At - Friday, 28 February 2003

No. 60   Katika- At   Friday, 28 February 2003   Dear Amare-Amuri,    At no point in time   Did I ever not love   To sing praises to God   A...